(00:00:00): Hey guys, welcome to episode 16 of how to get your SHEET together. (00:00:05): So this is a proper podcast episode and not a mindfoulness episode. (00:00:10): First of all, happy new year, my lovely swearers and swearies. (00:00:14): I hope you're doing really well. (00:00:16): I personally am up to my tits in this new project that I started, (00:00:19): which is my how to get your SHEET together life guide. (00:00:22): But I'm super excited about it. (00:00:24): And I'm also really excited for another great year. (00:00:26): And I know that sounds like I spend too much time on LinkedIn, but it's the truth. (00:00:31): So the question that I received from my subscriber is, (00:00:35): what is the best way to develop healthy food habits? (00:00:37): Is it better to change things abruptly or gradually? (00:00:41): That is an excellent question. (00:00:43): Thank you. (00:00:43): So the short answer to this question is that it depends on the person. (00:00:49): Pwah pwaah, what an anticlimactic answer. (00:00:51): I know, but it's true. (00:00:53): For some people, it works better to change their diet in one go. (00:00:56): And for others, it's better to change it gradually. (00:01:00): Now, (00:01:00): based on my experience coaching a fuckity fuckton of people on changing their diet, (00:01:05): I would say that for most people it works better to change it gradually. (00:01:10): And that is because of a few reasons. (00:01:12): Number one, (00:01:14): changing your habits in one go can make you feel very overwhelmed and then you end (00:01:18): up not even starting or you are giving up very quickly. (00:01:23): The second reason is that you have made really big changes, (00:01:26): but generally you don't see or feel big results within a few weeks. (00:01:31): Then you get frustrated and think it's not worth the sacrifice. (00:01:34): And again, you give up. (00:01:37): The third reason is that you feel deprived a lot of the time. (00:01:41): And if you have a strong inner rebel like myself, (00:01:44): That means that that little fuckface will start acting up all the time, (00:01:48): which then leads to the, (00:01:50): eh, (00:01:50): fuck it thought, (00:01:52): and you will absolutely fuck it at that point. (00:01:56): The fourth reason is that you can experience some really shitty physical side effects, (00:02:01): caffeine withdrawal symptoms, (00:02:02): for example, (00:02:04): and then you just go back to your old ways. (00:02:08): But for some people, it is better to change their food habits in one go. (00:02:13): And that's because of some other reasons. (00:02:15): The first reason is that by changing everything in one go, (00:02:19): they give themselves the strong message that they are taking this seriously and (00:02:23): that they're not half-assing it. (00:02:25): So as a general rule in life, always use your full ass. (00:02:28): Just don't become one. (00:02:30): The second reason is that for some people, (00:02:34): it can be easier to work with strict rules because they are clear and they don't (00:02:38): require you to think about the next steps. (00:02:41): So which one is better? (00:02:44): It honestly depends on you, your past experiences and your current mindset as well. (00:02:50): Related to this though, there are some tips that I would like to share. (00:02:55): The first one is that whatever you do, (00:02:59): don't change your diet and your sleeping patterns and go out every day and, (00:03:05): and, (00:03:05): and. (00:03:06): This is a recipe for burnout. (00:03:08): Making changes like this is stressful. (00:03:11): In fact, (00:03:12): revising your personal habits, (00:03:13): changing your social activities, (00:03:15): and changing your sleeping and eating habits are all in the top 40 of the most (00:03:21): stressful life events. (00:03:23): And how do we often soothe ourselves when we feel stressed? (00:03:26): Exactly, with comfort foods. (00:03:29): Just saying. (00:03:31): The second tip is that related to this, (00:03:35): and I mentioned it in my article titled, (00:03:38): Another Shitty Diet Won't Change Your Life. (00:03:41): It is that you have to create a changed environment. (00:03:44): So if you have no sleep and you are constantly feeling stressed, (00:03:49): it is going to be a lot harder to establish healthy food habits. (00:03:53): So if you can, do your best to work on those two specifically, stress and sleep. (00:04:03): The third tip is to treat it like an experiment. (00:04:06): And I'm mostly looking at you, my fellow perfectionists. (00:04:10): If something doesn't work, it doesn't mean that you are a failure. (00:04:13): It doesn't even mean that you have failed. (00:04:16): It just means that you've got to find a way that does work for you. (00:04:21): Super important. (00:04:23): My fourth tip is whether you do it all in one go or not, (00:04:28): it is best to have someone help you or at least keep you accountable. (00:04:31): So that could be a coach, (00:04:33): obviously, (00:04:34): but it could also be your partner, (00:04:36): your friend, (00:04:37): or even, (00:04:38): I don't know, (00:04:38): Angela from accounting. (00:04:41): By the way, (00:04:42): if you would like to dip your toes into working on that with me, (00:04:46): I am now offering a 50% off a one-off session. (00:04:50): So that means that you would get a session for $50. (00:04:53): And on top of that, a health assessment for free. (00:04:56): And this is for anyone who hasn't worked with me yet. (00:04:59): The offer ends this Sunday, which is the 12th of January. (00:05:04): But yes, you're always welcome to reach out to me. (00:05:09): So that was it, guys. (00:05:10): Thanks for another great question and keep them coming, please. (00:05:15): Ciao.