(00:00:00): Hey there, lovely people. (00:00:01): Welcome to episode 11 of how to get your sheet together. (00:00:05): The question that I received from my subscriber is how do you start doing something (00:00:12): you have never done before? (00:00:14): Well, first of all, let me address the elephant in the room. (00:00:17): I have been incredibly busy sorting out a really big move. (00:00:22): And I have also been dealing with some health issues, which I have written about. (00:00:26): You're obviously always welcome to check out that post. (00:00:29): So because of that, (00:00:31): I decided to not do any podcast recordings for a little while because it honestly (00:00:38): takes quite a lot of time to write it all out and then to rehearse it and then to (00:00:43): record it. (00:00:45): So I had a little break, but now I'm back. (00:00:49): This is going to be a particularly petite pod episode though, because I'm still getting back into it. (00:00:56): The next podcast episode should be of a more normal length. (00:01:01): So let's go back to the question. (00:01:04): How do you start doing something that you have never done before? (00:01:10): Well, I'll take myself as an example. (00:01:12): So I just moved into my own proper apartment for the first time in Uruguay, (00:01:17): as opposed to being Airbnb-like environments. (00:01:22): So all of a sudden, I had a crap ton of new shit to sort out. (00:01:26): I had to figure out how to rent a place. (00:01:31): I had to get an income certificate because I'm obviously a terrorist. (00:01:34): I mean, I'm a self-employed person. (00:01:38): I needed to get rental insurance, make sense of the rental ads to be able to find a decent place. (00:01:46): I had to build my own furniture and I had to do all of that in Spanish. (00:01:51): So naturally, I felt overwhelmed. (00:01:54): And to be honest, I really had my doubts if I could even do all of this. (00:01:58): But I did what I usually suggest to my clients. (00:02:02): And that is my answer to the question too. (00:02:06): So first of all, write down what you have to do. (00:02:10): either in brain dump format, I have already mentioned this in the past, or in a list format. (00:02:16): It really helps to have an overview rather than to have everything bounce around in (00:02:21): your head and it gives you a sense of control as well. (00:02:25): Secondly, (00:02:27): determine what the first step would be and then break that step down to the (00:02:31): smallest possible thing you can do. (00:02:34): Then you also give yourself permission to stop after doing that one small thing. (00:02:39): And the chances are that you will continue anyway, (00:02:42): but it really takes away the pressure and it also stops you from burning yourself (00:02:48): out straight away, (00:02:49): which is very common for us diverges as well. (00:02:53): Related to that is to also take as much time as you can to do it because stress has (00:03:00): never helped our executive functions. (00:03:02): It really messes with them. (00:03:05): So make sure that you actually give yourself enough time to do all of this. (00:03:10): Thirdly, if you are feeling particularly anxious, (00:03:15): start by imagining what you want to do and also imagine a positive outcome. (00:03:22): So your imagination is a safe space, right? (00:03:24): So you can do whatever the fuck you want in there. (00:03:28): And if you use that space, if you use that tool, (00:03:33): To focus on the positive, (00:03:35): it can really help to get started because very often we just go straight into the (00:03:39): negative and that is stopping us from doing things. (00:03:43): But if you just imagine a positive outcome, it really helps. (00:03:48): My fourth tip is to ask for help if you feel like you are stuck. (00:03:54): And I promise that you won't spontaneously combust if you do, even though it might feel that way. (00:04:00): Honestly, I understand, my lovely people. (00:04:04): I totally understand. (00:04:05): But you just need help sometimes. (00:04:08): So ask for it if you feel like you are getting stuck. (00:04:12): It is okay to do that. (00:04:15): And my fifth tip is to keep telling yourself that you are learning or to tell (00:04:21): yourself that you are just experimenting for now. (00:04:25): Of course, it depends on what it is, right? (00:04:27): But saying those things to yourself really helps, again, to keep the pressure off. (00:04:33): And I'm mostly looking at you, my fellow perfectionists. (00:04:38): Saying things like that, (00:04:39): like I am learning, (00:04:40): I am experimenting, (00:04:42): really, (00:04:43): really helps to get some perspective. (00:04:47): You know, (00:04:47): you are just starting something new, (00:04:49): which means that you won't be able to do things perfectly immediately. (00:04:54): You're just learning. (00:04:54): You're just experimenting. (00:04:56): Okay. (00:04:57): Okay. (00:04:58): So that is it for today, people. (00:05:02): I really hope it helped someone here. (00:05:05): Also, (00:05:06): I finally managed to set up my Buy Me A Coffee account because unfortunately I (00:05:11): can't get paid via Substack as someone who is living in South America. (00:05:15): So if you enjoy my podcast, (00:05:18): if you enjoy my articles, (00:05:19): of course, (00:05:20): you're always very welcome to support me. (00:05:24): Okay, that's it for today. (00:05:27): If you have any questions, of course, send them my way and then I can address them in my next podcast. (00:05:34): Ciao.