(00:00:00): Hey guys, welcome to episode 10 of how to get your sheet together. (00:00:04): This is already episode 10, which is crazy. (00:00:08): I'm super stoked that you're all still here. (00:00:11): That's always a good thing. (00:00:13): Let's go straight into the question that I received from my subscriber. (00:00:17): And the question is, how do you tell if you have healthy friendships without testing them? (00:00:23): So first of all, (00:00:24): this is going to be another petite pod episode because as you know, (00:00:29): I've got a lot going on. (00:00:31): But I think it's a very interesting question and it should be part of a longer (00:00:35): article or a podcast about friendship in general because I know that so many of us (00:00:41): struggle with this in this society. (00:00:43): But for now, I'm going to stick to the basics. (00:00:47): So first, let's have a look at the different types of connection that you can have. (00:00:54): People can be in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. (00:01:00): When people are in your life for a reason, (00:01:03): that means that it is usually a shorter kind of relationship and it gives you and (00:01:08): or the other person some kind of benefit, (00:01:11): but then ends when this benefit is no longer there. (00:01:15): People can also be in your life for a season. (00:01:17): So that means that you have a relationship over a longer period in your life and it (00:01:22): does help you to grow, (00:01:23): but then it eventually ends when you realize that you're not the right fit or not (00:01:28): the right fit anymore. (00:01:30): And then when people are in your life for a lifetime, (00:01:33): then obviously that means that this kind of relationship lasts for a lifetime. (00:01:39): I absolutely adore Terry Gorski's levels of connection and I figured I would also (00:01:46): add this to this podcast. (00:01:49): He talks about superficial involvement, companionship and friendship as three different levels. (00:01:58): You start with the superficial involvement, (00:02:00): then you move on to companionship and then you move on to friendship. (00:02:04): So superficial involvement is where you connect superficially, (00:02:10): but you have no commitments to one another. (00:02:13): For example, my waitress at this cafe that I often ride from. (00:02:17): Does she seem like a lovely woman who is as socially awkward as me? (00:02:21): Absolutely. (00:02:22): Do I know the details of her love life? (00:02:25): No, and I don't care about it either. (00:02:27): And that is okay. (00:02:29): companionship is where you connect because you share an activity. (00:02:34): In other words, the shared activity is more important than the person. (00:02:40): And I'm going to give you two examples of that. (00:02:43): Number one is, well, basically this was almost all the people I worked with in corporate. (00:02:50): Once I left the scene and our shared activity fell away, so did the connection that I had with them. (00:02:57): And the second example is that whenever I want to spend some time outside of my (00:03:01): girl cave and I don't particularly feel like spending time with one person in particular, (00:03:06): I will simply leave a message in a group asking who wants to join. (00:03:11): Again, the activity is important, not the person. (00:03:15): This is companionship. (00:03:18): The third level is friendship, (00:03:21): which means that you connect for the purpose of mutual support and enjoyment of (00:03:26): each other. (00:03:27): So the person is important and the activity is secondary. (00:03:32): For example, (00:03:33): when I tell my friend that I would love to go for a walk and she would love to go (00:03:37): for a coffee, (00:03:38): then we figure out a way to make both of us happy and meet up anyway, (00:03:42): because the most important thing is spending time together and not the activity itself. (00:03:49): To be honest, (00:03:51): it doesn't really matter how you want to categorize human intimacy, (00:03:54): but the main thing to remember here is that there are different types of connection. (00:04:00): Meaning. (00:04:01): And I'm looking at you, fellow codependents. (00:04:04): It is not your responsibility to rescue this, (00:04:08): I don't know, (00:04:09): seemingly depressed man that you've seen around. (00:04:12): You don't owe that person anything. (00:04:14): You are not friends. (00:04:16): You're not even companions. (00:04:18): Okay? (00:04:19): This is a casual relationship that you have. (00:04:24): It's also important to keep in mind that these levels of connections aren't (00:04:29): necessarily fixed or clear, (00:04:32): and that is okay. (00:04:33): So they can be in flux, (00:04:35): meaning that the connection with this person can change, (00:04:39): it can even disappear, (00:04:41): and then it can come back as well. (00:04:43): Basically like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey intimacy stuff, to quote the doctor. (00:04:50): Now, going back to the question, how do you tell if you have healthy friendships without testing them? (00:04:57): Well, honestly, that depends on what kind of connection you have. (00:05:00): So again, keep Gorski's levels in mind and also what you expect. (00:05:06): So I would say that the most important part to make sure that a relationship is (00:05:11): healthy is to analyze if you are both generally operating at the same level of connection. (00:05:19): Meaning if someone treats you like a companion and you are on the intimate (00:05:23): friendship level, (00:05:25): then it is much better to emotionally fuck off from that level of connection (00:05:29): because it's just going to hurt you. (00:05:32): Secondly, (00:05:33): just like in romantic relationships, (00:05:36): we always have expectations of a minimum level of communication, (00:05:41): time and effort spent on the friendship. (00:05:45): And as I said before, (00:05:46): relationships are in flux and sometimes people have a lot of shit going on in their life. (00:05:51): But... (00:05:52): If this person is not meeting your minimum expectations chronically, (00:05:58): then it might really be time to review the friendship and put them on a different (00:06:04): level for yourself. (00:06:07): So there is so much more to this, of course. (00:06:10): But as I mentioned before, this is a petite pod. (00:06:14): I hope that this basic information helped you guys anyway. (00:06:18): And of course, as always, let me know in the comments what you think. (00:06:21): Also, if you have any questions for me, please send them to me. (00:06:25): Thanks, guys. (00:06:26): Ciao.