(00:00:00): Hey there people, welcome to episode nine of how to get your sheet together. (00:00:06): As always, I'm super happy that you're here. (00:00:09): The question that I received from my subscriber is, when you have an all-consuming goal, (00:00:14): How do you make sure that you don't become too obsessive or rigid? (00:00:19): So first of all, (00:00:19): this will be a petite pod episode because honestly, (00:00:22): I have a ton of sheet to sort out in my personal life. (00:00:25): And so my apologies for that. (00:00:28): I hope you will still enjoy this episode anyway. (00:00:30): It will just be a little bit shorter. (00:00:32): That's all. (00:00:34): So when you have an all-consuming goal, (00:00:37): how do you make sure that you don't become too obsessive or rigid? (00:00:40): Well, first of all, I would question the goal itself. (00:00:44): What exactly is this goal? (00:00:45): And why is it so important to you? (00:00:47): What exactly is driving you? (00:00:49): You know, what deeper emotions or beliefs are connected to it? (00:00:53): And I'm asking this because, (00:00:56): for example, (00:00:56): when I get very obsessive, (00:00:59): the object of my obsession usually triggers some kind of fear, (00:01:03): like my fear of failure or my fear of abandonment and those two are closely related also. (00:01:10): So as a result, I have been very obsessive about work and relationships in the past. (00:01:14): And I have talked about perfectionism in my last podcast episode. (00:01:18): So it might be good for you to check it out as well, because it's related to this. (00:01:24): So if you are driven by negative emotions like this, then it would be a good idea to work on it. (00:01:32): For example, (00:01:32): if you have this fear or disbelief about not being good enough, (00:01:36): then it might be good to do some CBT, (00:01:39): some cognitive behavioral therapy, (00:01:42): to override that old programming clusterfuck going on in your mind. (00:01:47): For me personally, (00:01:48): it also really has helped me in the past to repeat to myself that I can trust that (00:01:54): things will work out. (00:01:56): And for those of you who know me, you know that this has taken me a long time. (00:02:04): to get to this point because I had severe trust issues and I still struggle with it at times. (00:02:11): And so I had to fake it till I make it. (00:02:14): I used to laugh at these silly statements like, oh, you just trust that the universe will provide. (00:02:21): There was zero trust. (00:02:23): So for me, that was very difficult. (00:02:26): But I did notice that, weirdly enough, the more I was holding on to things, trying to control them, (00:02:33): The more things went wrong and the more I told myself to breathe and to trust and (00:02:38): to see what would happen, (00:02:39): the more things went right. (00:02:41): And so you can always try it and see how it goes. (00:02:45): For me, it worked really, really well. (00:02:49): The next strategy is to always, always make sure that you have an at least somewhat balanced life. (00:02:57): Meaning, you schedule in time for, I don't know, silly things like loved ones and hobbies and work. (00:03:05): And definitely also self-care. (00:03:07): Meaning, preparing healthy foods, exercising, sleeping. (00:03:11): and taking a fucking break at least once a day would be good, right? (00:03:17): Doing therapy, soothing your stress, all of those kind of things. (00:03:22): So if you create a weekly schedule on Sunday or Monday, (00:03:27): and you schedule in time for all of these, that will help to stave off obsession. (00:03:33): You really need to have different things and people pulling at you to make sure (00:03:37): that you don't just have one thing going on in your life, (00:03:40): which then becomes your world. (00:03:42): And of course, also, so you don't accidentally throw yourself into the hellhole that is burnout, right? (00:03:47): So you need to have different things going on in your life because it's too easy to (00:03:53): get consumed by one thing only. (00:03:58): One bonus strategy, (00:04:00): something a little bit related to this, (00:04:02): is to keep telling yourself that you can't control anything except yourself. (00:04:07): And to be honest, even that is easy at times. (00:04:10): You have to really ride the wave in life and things will randomly happen. (00:04:15): That means that whatever you're trying to do to reach your goal will have to be adjusted at some point. (00:04:21): And that is normal. (00:04:22): It doesn't mean you are a failure. (00:04:24): It just means that life happens. (00:04:26): So that's a good thing to keep in mind when you have an obsessive personality. (00:04:31): So that was it guys. (00:04:33): Again, it's a short episode, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. (00:04:36): And as always, keep the questions coming. (00:04:39): Ciao.